Secured Data, Safe interfaces

We at take utmost care of your sensitive data with security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy.

Data security becomes the foremost concern when organizations engage with third-party vendors. We ensure the maximum protection of data for our partners and our assurance is acknowledged by the SOC 1, SOC 2 certification.


We are proud to be accredited with SOC 2

SOC, the “System and Organization Controls”, has affirmed that’s information security practices, policies, procedures, and operations meet the SOC 2 standards. We are dedicated to be at the highest level of security and compliance and we are striving to become more diligent to data security.

SOC2 Attestation

The SOC2 Attestation of addresses the third-party risk concerns by assessing policies, internal controls, and procedures that directly relate to the AICPA’s Trust Services Criteria. The Trust Services Criteria (TSC) has checked on various parameters which were successfully validated by us. This prestigious certification has affirmed that is a secured enterprise for businesses whose regulators, auditors, compliance officers, business partners, and executives require documented standards.

Stay protected from data tempering and be a partner of

Our experience in cutting-edge AI empowers you with developer-friendly, omnichannel AI assistants while keeping your data secured from unauthorized access. Be our partner and ensure the security of data.