Ten enlighteners on AI in Robotic Process Automation
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RPA enterprises greeted by conversation AI revolution We live in such a machine-centric generation where the robots like Sophia have been awarded citizenship of Saudi Arabia. This is not less than a critical…
AI Transformation

AI Lead Generation For Your CRM
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Engage & reach out to a defined target audience as you convert those leads into definite customers. AI-powered CRM helps translate to effective lead nurturing in a digital age. AI-Powered Lead Generation –…
AI Transformation

AI is changing the landscape of CRM
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Artificial Intelligence or AI is no longer just a concept. In the year 2019, AI has become an essential transformation for enterprises of all domains. AI can automate human tasks while leaving no…
AI Transformation

Growth, Revenue, and Numbers – AI-Powered CRM Enterprises
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A healthy relationship with customers is the key to success for organizations across all domains. But maintaining a meaningful relationship with customers is an ask that constantly challenges decision makers and customer-centered organizations….
AI Transformation

AI and CRM: The Wonder Combination
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The Magical combination of AI and CRM (More magical than Arabian Nights!) Do you think magic can happen only when Aladdin meets Genie? Well, there are some real-life magical combinations which are more…
AI Transformation

Why AI is CRM’s Biggest Opportunity
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Enterprises around the globe are growing at a pace which is faster than ever before. The touch of technology is making businesses hit its new vertices faster while leaving the competition tougher for…
AI Transformation

AI and CRM – A Powerful Duo
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Activate your CRM through AI With larger budgets & a lot more attention being given to CRM software and AI; making the most of a business opportunity in a digital age is pretty…
AI Transformation

AI – The next big wave in CRM
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Businesses are looking to understand their customers a whole lot better. In an age that’s data and detail specific, we’re able to draw a magnifying glass on our customer with the help of…
AI Transformation